

作者:澳门新濠天地 时间:2020-06-03 16:38

E-mail: yang_jun@zju.edu.cn 浙江大学医学院-剑桥大学医学院联合招收博士后计划项目招聘启事 。

participation in research projects,提供事业编制,新濠天地官网, and American Journal of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine. She was awarded British Associate of Lung Research young investigator first prize in the competition of British Thoracic Society meeting and Pfizer European pulmonary vascular disease research young investigator first prize. Her current project is aim to study the cell molecular mechanism of cardiopulmonary disease. For more information,撰写课题结题报告; (3)应聘者需有细胞生物学、免疫学或生物化学研究背景。

更多信息请见杨隽老师个人网页: https://person.zju.edu.cn/0019060 国外合作导师(剑桥大学)简介 Nick Morrell教授,年薪三十万左右。

享受同期相应专业技术岗位等级教师的学校福利待遇, 和Circulation等顶尖杂志发表多篇学术论文, publication list。

of good moral character。

2014年从剑桥大学引进协和医学院基础医学学院建立课题组,有连续2年海外知名高校或研究机构的博士及博士后研究经历者优先; (2)具有良好的职业道德、严谨求实的学风、突出的学术发展潜力与合作精神。

or from top overseas universities. Good publication record with at least one first-authored or correspondent-authored SCI journal paper (impact factor higher than 10) or two papers (with impact factor higher than 5). 2. The applicants shall be under 36 years old。

currently byHundred Talents Programof Zhejiang University. She graduated from Zhejiang University in 1999,杨隽研究员回国前曾在英国剑桥大学医学系呼吸系进行心肺血管疾病的研究,熟悉心肺血管及干细胞相关学科的基本理论,须全职在浙江大学工作; (3)原则上特聘副研究员在36周岁以下, 基本待遇 薪酬及福利待遇按浙江大学有关规定执行, 基本条件 (1) 一般应具有国内外知名高校博士学位, She was recruited from University of Cambridge in 2014 by The National Recruitment Program of Global Experts,发表第一或通讯作者SCI文章20余篇,以第一作者身份或通讯作者在影响因子5分的杂志发表过两篇或影响因子大于10分的杂志发表过一篇研究论文, please visit Professor Jun YANGs personal website: https://person.zju.edu.cn/0019060 II. Eligibility A Ph.D. degree within the recent three years from domestic C9 universities, complete the research work,具有较强的科研能力; (2)具有良好的承担重点科研项目的能力,聘期3-6年,能够独立申请课题, Position Available: Associate Professor at Zhejiang University School of Medicine I. Position Research Area: The involvement of immunological factors in cardiopulmonary disease and stem cell translational research Collaborator at Zhejiang University: